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Reloc'coffee - Cultivating a positive mindset in times of changes


Settling down in a new country and adapting to a new culture is as exciting as it may be overwhelming. How can we tap into our inner resources to adapt successfully and keep a calm, positive and open mindset in this transition ?

This 2-hour workshop is designed to empower you with some tools and techniques to help you navigate the novelties of expat life in Switzerland with confidence, optimism and resilience.

Come and experience the power of sophrology, a mind-body practice accessible to all combining breathing, relaxation, meditation, gentle movement and positive visualization techniques, that helps us cultivate inner serenity, focus and positivity.

Why attend:

  • Empowerment and resilience: Discover how sophrology can help you tap into your inner strengths and adaptability.
  • Positive outlook: Explore practical tools for maintaining a positive mindset during your job search process and integration into Swiss culture.
  • Personal growth: As you embark on this new chapter of your life in Switzerland, learn simple techniques that will nurture your personal growth well beyond the workshop.

Join us for an empowering and transformative workshop that will help you thrive personnally and professionally in your new environment!


An eternal optimist, Diane Duperret loves helping others see everyday life in a positive light. She is passionate about developing and enhancing people’s potential so they can thrive.

With some 18 years' corporate experience in corporate communications, corporate social responsibility and team leadership, 13 of which in multinationals, Diane has acquired a solid experience of human dynamics, corporate environments and intercultural relationships. She has held high-responsibility positions at Nespresso, notably as a Director of Corporate Communications and a member of the global Executive Committee, and at SICPA, as a Director of Corporate Communications and a Director of Corporate Social Responsibility. Her transition to sophrology is the fruit of a conviction : at the heart of individual and collective success lie personal well-being and fulfillment.

A Swiss national, Diane has studied at Emerson College in the United States and worked as an expat in Australia, allowing her to gain a strong understanding of what is required to successfully adapt to a new culture.

With a diploma in Caycedian Sophrology from the Centre de Formation Suisse de Sophrologie Caycédienne, she also holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Corporate Communications, a Master in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts.




Fanny Oberson Gross

Responsable Communication et RH