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Événements CVCI, Événements International Link

Welcome Day

Did you recently relocate to the canton of Vaud? Or perhaps you are simply eager to learn more about the way things generally work in Switzerland?

Then the Welcome Day is for you: with presentations from different experts about the local culture, job market, insurance and tourism, you'll be able to ask all the questions you might have.

On-site childcare will be provided, so younger participants are also welcome.

The event will be followed by a networking buffet of local specialties.


Date et horaires 24 septembre 2024 ,
17:30 - 20:00
Type Reloc'coffee Séance d'information
Téléphone +41 21 613 36 63
Plus d'infos
Public visé Newly arrived employees and their partners; anyone interested
Organisateur CVCI - International Link
Responsable Véronique Maget


Avenue d'Ouchy 47
1006 Lausanne


Free of charge for partners of CVCI member companies' employees & members of the Ukrainian network / CHF 50 (+VAT) for other participants


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