Social compensation funds
The CVCI offers its members high performance and very advantageous AVS (old age and survivors insurance) – AI (invalidity insurance) - APG (income compensation allowances) social compensation funds and family allowance.
It is in the framework of its service mission that the CVCI has adopted social compensation funds to cover, for its member companies, the obligations linked to social insurance. Thanks to a sound, secure financial health, the CVCI social compensation funds are capable of guaranteeing a service at the best price. The mastery of and respect for the legislative environment as well as the professionalism of the CVCI staff mean we can offer top quality services.
Our social compensation funds have two services: the AVS-AI-APG fund and the caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF – benefits office). In both cases, we collect the contributions for all affiliates, manage the files and pay the legal services for all of their employees. To see this mission successfully through, we deduct a modest contribution from the payroll subject to contributions for each of our affiliates, on the basis of scales calculated as fairly as possible.
To simplify and reduce your administrative formalities, the CVCI social compensation fund gives you access to its eServices interface. eServices allow you to save time by offering you a consolidated view, in real time, of all data linked to your employees and to manage employee online announcements, annual wage declarations as well as family allowance.
You can find out more by visiting the CVCI social compensation fund website.

Eric Sirat
Directeur adjoint, gérant des caisses sociales CVCI